3 ways to stay happy and have a positive life
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Champ de Mars (Tour Eiffel), Paris |
It takes lots of work and sometimes, you have to go through a long & tough road before achieving your happiness goal.
As you must know, everything comes through practice & consistency. But I swear, you’ll end up feeling great :))) !
Focusing on the positive is about setting your mindset and cultivate gratitude. I am sure we are all able to do that ;D
1/ Make a list of everything (even the slightest thing!) you are grateful for
Yes, you have to agree that you are a wonderful person so Go make a list of your qualities or the physical aspects you love in yourself or even the skills you master like nobody else (you do great music? you know how to cook? you can draw? Well, go on and write down everything that cross your mind).
Also, try making a list of awesome stuffs you’ve done recently (attending a cooking class? booked a ticket for a trip? went for a jog?). I am pretty sure you have done amazing activities lately.
There’s so much more to list that you have to be grateful for : like having enough food to eat, having a roof above your head, being loved by your parents or friends, having a job, having a pet, being able to travel, being able to see and walk etc.
Doing this will help you to see that you are filled with love and abundance.
You’ll find that, as you go over your awesome actions and choices, you start to feel great about yourself.
And of course, I want you to read this list everytime you feel down-hearted, because when we go through hard times, we always tend to forget how amazing we actually are ! Just remind yourself how lucky and powerful you are <3
2/ Keep a Gratitude Journal
We aren’t all good writers but I swear that it would help you a lot to put words on your feelings.
For example, I have a daily exercise which consists in answering to 5 questions every morning right when I wake up & every night before going to sleep. I got this grateful advice from Alex Ikonn, a youtuber, and you can watch his video here
Right when you wake up in the morning, you will set the tone for the whole day and shape your mind to focus on the bright sides of your life.
Be a morning person by answering these 3 questions :
1. What I am grateful for :
(ex : grateful for the great relationship I have with my boyfriend or family or friends)
2. What would make today great ?
(ex : I'm gonna hang out with friends after work, I will relax by meditating and make time for myself today)
3. My Daily affirmation is :
(ex : I am a successful)
When you say « I am___ », it is very powerful because you tell your brain this special thing and that's what you focus on through the day. You focus on your pattern. If you tell yourself what is familiar, that is what is gonna seek out.
At the end of the day, many of us, we go throughout our days and then, at night, go to sleep = Day over. Meaning that we haven’t really make our day productive.
But how often do we really reflect on the good that happen today?
Even if it was a bad day, a small thing that happened during the day could have been good (C’mon, I am sure you have at least eat a good meal or had a sunshine above your head :p!).
By keeping this Gratitude Journal, you're training your mind to focus on the good instead of the bad. By focusing on the positive, it will become your pattern, the way you are, your mantra.
By reflecting over your day, you will be able to improve yourself and get more productive as well.
So, before you go to sleep, answer these 3 questions :
4. What are the 3 amazing things that happened today?
(ex : a person who smiled at you, a coworker who threw you a compliment about your efficiency at work, being able to spend a great dinner with your boyfriend or family)
5. How could I have made today better ?
(ex : I should spend more time with my parents, I should spend less time on Facebook and stop scrolling for hours in social media)
EXTRA question (cause I like to make it hard :p) :
I often go on with « What should I have done to make my day more productive? » because sometimes I think I am procrastinating too much while I was actually able to get tone of things done.
(ex : I should have made a To Do list with 3 main things I wanted to get done -tidying my desk, doing my workout routine, writing etc.- and put an alarm as a reminder)
Moreover, I highly recommend you to write down all your emotions particularly when you feel sad at times, cause it relieves a lot to just put on words on how you feel. Most of the times, the key to happiness is in us.
3/ Take extra time for yourself and do Activities that make you feel Great
I advice you to book a time with yourself in your calendar (yes, you heard me right ! go on a date with yourself ;)) to take extra time to focus and get back on track.
As a child, remember what kind of things you were doing that were exciting! - even more exciting than what you actually do as an adult now -.
Chances are, you haven’t changed that much (we are all children at heart <3)
As a child, remember what kind of things you were doing that were exciting! - even more exciting than what you actually do as an adult now -.
Chances are, you haven’t changed that much (we are all children at heart <3)
It can be watching a cartoon, laughing at lame jokes watching Comedy shows, singing, dancing, going for a bike ride with friends, playing the guitar, drawing, running in the forest, catching frogs in a lake (yup, I was doing this kind of gross things as a child don't judge me haha) etc.
I am pretty sure there’s plenty of other activities you can list that could make you feel great about yourself (cocooning, working out, meditating, listening to music).
Social media has made our life so dull; we all forgot what TRUE Life consisted in.
As a adult, we fail to remember how to be curious like when we were children, we forget to enjoy our environment and appreciate what life has to offer. Be that child with sparkles in your eyes. Learn new stuffs, develop your skills and always try to have the "child-like" wonder to keep eyes open and keep "feeding" your discovery process.
You have to remember that you are your Best Friend. Being a great companion for yourself is the best thing you can expect.
And with an attitude like that, it's hard to be anything but positive.
And with an attitude like that, it's hard to be anything but positive.
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