20 rules for a Peaceful and Meaningful Life

Let's talk about a living guideline that we should all keep in mind to live a stress-free life, full of opportunities and of experiences. I've been writing a lot about my self-development and by following these 21 rules, I actually noticed significant improvement that helped me shift my consciousness into greater horizons. I believe that you should take a stand for yourself and try to live in accordance with your real nature. Try to live expand and toughen up. Some of these rules are derived from Buddhism and kinda act like mantras, positive affirmations you can meditate on. I hope you'll enjoy the journey as much as I do ;)

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Risk means that we should stand out of our comfort zone (I will write an article about it really soon), that’s how life will open new paths and show you the way towards great opportunities. If it isn’t risky, then everyone would be doing the same thing over and over again. We will live an « ordinary » life and would never grow from our experiences (even the bad ones are great because it forces you expand and learn from it). You can also check my article on how to achieve your dreams and goals by clicking here

2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

When we have done a mistake or have experienced a bad situation (went through a breakup? lost a closed friend? Read this article I wrote about how to love yourself), always remember the lesson. If we lose what we have learnt, then we will be doomed to repeat. That’s why I highly recommend you to write your emotions to release your feelings and know what’s happening inside you. The solution is always on us but we tend to forget it.
More importantly, do fear failure. Failure is the precursor to success only if you learn from it.

3. Follow the three Rs :
- Respect for self
- Respect for others
- Responsibility for all your actions.

Respect for self - Confidence is key in success. If you don’t respect yourself, who else is gonna respect you ?
Respect for others - When you respect yourself, you will be respected in return because you show the value you hold to yourself towards people. You know your true worth and so, you will respect others as much as you do.
Responsibility for all your actions (Want a better life ? My advices on this link) Remember that we are in complete control of our life, we should not blame other people for our mistakes or misfortunes. If something bad happens, we need to change our point of view and learn from this experience. There’s always a positive light out there.

4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Having everything that you desire will not be necessarily good for you in the long run. Think about if you were a the spoiled child that lived with profusion and never fight for your ife. Does that make a meaningful living if we always rely on our rich parents or acquaintances ? If we have everything that is waited on hand and foot, we would tend to be unhappy according by research. Why? That’s because we haven’t accomplished something by ourselves or challenging ourselves.
Challenges are what we worship the most since it defines our personality and fighting spirit.

5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

Rules are meant to be broken (I know that it is counterintuitive since this article is about « rules » to follow but you will understand what I mean). For example, people will always follow the same process for a job search (sending a resume and waiting for an answer instead of going directly to the company to show themselves) , a relationship (waiting for 3 days before sending him/her a message instead of letting your spontaneity speak). Well, that might not work « breaking the rules » but you’ll sure end up feeling great and learning from it for your next level on experiences. 
As long as you don’t corrupt institutions or hurt someone, DO break rules ;))

6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

I used to be very proud and a small fight could have been the reason why I drop a close friendship. Only because I didn’t want to give any explanation to my best friend and didn’t want to admit my mistake. But I learnt from it and fortunately, this little dispute reinforced our great friendship.

7. When you realize you made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Is it better to stand for your opinions and be right or saying sorry and save a relationship ?
Sometimes, even if we think we’re right, it is better to compromise and understand our counterparts instead of pulling back from them. Not only, you harm yourself by doing this, but also your loved ones. 
Apologize, taking full responsibility. Taking the first step to explain what you feel is actually what will speak for your character more strongly than the action of making the mistake in the first place.

8. Spend some time alone every day.

Meditate, or just spend some time alone in a quiet place to introspect. This helps examine yourself, figure out what you want and reload energy. Remember : you are your best companion.

9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

We live in a fast-paced world that is constantly bound to change. If we are not open to change, then we are going to live a very miserable life. We are all subjects to changes but it doesn’t mean that it’s negative and that your values have to change as well. Changes are improvement.
Welcome new places, new faces and new loves, but never change those core parts of you unless you have strong reasons to believe you were wrong to believe them in the first place.

10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Silence leads to relaxed contemplation. You are more able to focus on the present moment rather than being overwhelmed by too many things going on your mind. For example, in an argument with a friend, remaining silent instead of retaliating with something anger-driven is more efficient in ending the argument faster and with less hurt for both parties. Sometimes, when you get resentful after a fight, silence is the key to calm down and just reflect on your emotions instead of getting things worse by saying something damaging that you might regret. Control your feelings means that you are the master of your thoughts.

11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

Good things happen to good people. You will never be punished for acting with integrity, only rewarded. For those who said that they have been hurt because they were too kind, don’t ever think that being mean will give you better chances in life. You will only end up feeling bad about yourself.

12. A loving atmosphere is the foundation for your life.

This is the rule that you have the least amount of control over. Your dynamic will ultimately determine your environment atmosphere (either at home with your family, at the office with your coworkers or wherever you go). As in rule #3, if you respect your family, your coworkers, your surroundings, they will provide you with respect and love in return. INJECT LOVE into your environment. Make the walls glisten with endearment. That will set a solid foundation for the lives of your friends, family and every people you will meet. I often notice that the behavior I will set for myself  interfere in others’ people comportments. I practice this mantra in my office, if someone is feeling angry, I try to calm down this person by telling him/her jokes to make him/her feel less stressful. I swear that it works.

13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

The past is the past : it is by nature, constant, unchanging. Bringing it up can only bring more pain to the current situation. Forgive any past actions and focus on the present. Besides, put problems back on from the past means that you haven’t solved this problem way back when it bothered you. The key when something you don’t like happen is to tell the person right away and discuss about it and tell why it hurt you so bad at that time instead of blaming. 

14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

Share your knowledge with the people you come across, it can only help them in their journeys. Even more important, share your failures so that others will not repeat them.

15. Be gentle with the earth.

The earth is where we live. So this should be obvious : hurting the earth is hurting yourself and the futures of your children and loved ones. Take time to appreciate the beauty of the Earth that seeks no reason to exist other than to give pleasure. Take a second to give thanks for the fruits, vegetables, and gifts that spring from the earth to breathe life into our bodies.

16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

Experience new places and new things : be open-minded to changes. You might find yourself with someone or somewhere that makes you much happier than your previous circumstance.  And if that’s not the case, be comfortable being uncomfortable. That’s how you’ll grow and live expanded.

17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

If you need someone more than you love them, it is a sign of dependency, not affection. It means that you are not in a place of abundance, you are not willing to give love but rather want to seek validation from the other side. Find someone where love is the dominant force and you will find yourself in a much more fulfilling relationship.

18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

Success is not truly success if you had to compromise yourself or your loved ones in order to achieve it. Decide what you want. Design your ideal life and go for it. Do not let any part of that dream slip away in order to get the rest of you will live in regret.

19. Live in the moment.

This could be the single most important piece of advice you ever heed.  Do not forget, nor dwell on the past, but do forgive it. Be aware of the future but do no fear or worry about it. Focus on the present moment, and that moment alone. All of the cliche phrases center around this all-important mantra : Live life to the fullest, seize the day etc.
Living in any other moment will only bring you anguish. The past cannot be changed and the future cannot be controlled. The only time that is malleable is the present moment. If you live in the now, you will be much happier since the past and future cannot weigh down on you. See the good in your current surroundings and be happy. I advise you to read « Meditation » from Christophe André, it is definitely a great book to focus on the present moment (my personal advice here)

20. Seek the company of positive people.

The people around you cannot control your feeling and actions but they can influence them. So be friend, and spend your time with optimistic, open-minded, overall positive people who will only contribute more positivity to your life. When you have risky unrealistic goals, they will support you instead of judging/doubting or ridiculing you like most of the general population. At a superficial level, your social life will be a lot more enjoyable if you restrict your relationships to positive people. On a deep level, your life in general will only benefit from such a decision.

21. Decide what you want before proceed to do anything.

This one is a hard rule to follow because it is so difficult to figure out what you truly want. It’s not at all certain when it will come but if you are persistent and really try to figure out your dream, it will come to you. Once you have figures out what you want, the only thing leftt is to do whatever possible to get it. This brings up rule #1 again…RISK! GO OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE ! If this is your dream, your ideal, your ultimate desire, then GO GET IT. 


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